Body odour is produced by some people when they sweat. The smell is not caused by the perspiration, but by bacteria on the body that breaks down the sweat into products that produce the unpleasant smells.
A hangover occurs when your intake of alcohol containing substances is greater than the body’s ability to detoxify or remove this harmful or potentially poisonous substance.
Jetlag affects most people to a small or large degree after crossing more than one time-zone. As a rule the longer your flight the more extensive and troublesome jetlag appears to be. The symptoms of jetlag appear to be more pronounced for some people after travelling from east to west, or when several flights are undertaken in succession, but disorientation occurs whenever you travel by air for extended periods of time.
Multiple Sclerosis is commonly abbreviated as MS. It is a condition that affects the nerves of the body and eventually affects the brain and spinal cord. The coating of the nerves deteriorates with MS, and as a consequence impulses no longer travel along the nerves as efficiently as before developing the condition. The nerves become damaged as a result, and this is called sclerosing, or scarring. The ‘multiple’ means that more than one nerve is affected by the scarring.
Snoring is a sleep disorder. It may bother the snorer and usually disturbs the sleep of anyone else in the same room. Occasionally someone with profound or particularly noisy snoring disturbs the sleep of others in different rooms attempting to sleep themselves.
Stress incontinence occurs when urine leaks out of the bladder due to physical activity, coughing, sneezing, or laughing. It is not confined to leaky old ladies but can occur in men and women, and in the young as well as the old.
Toxoplasmosis is a condition that can be transmitted by cats. It is caused by a parasite that lives in the faeces of cats, so it usually only occurs when handling cat faeces, such as changing cat litter trays. Young children may also catch this parasite after playing in soil that may have been contaminated by cat faeces. It may also be present in meat from animals that have been exposed to cat faeces.
Moorebank Day & Night Pharmacy is a late night pharmacy located in the friendly Moorebank Shopping Village. We offer a range of services and products to cater to each household and the whole family.